Welcome. How's 2010 been for you thus far? Interesting? Promising? Exciting? Crap? Well, whatever it is, make it your intention to only get better than it already is, even if you can't imagine an improvement!

It is my intention that each review of the music performances I provide are  honest and appropriately communicates MY opinion of it.  I am NOT a professional musician and I have limited experience as a radio dj. I simply love good music.  What I love about it, you may hate and vice versa. If you enjoy some of the same music as I do then you may benefit from this site.    Since I travel so much seeking out music that I enjoy my friends often ask me what kind of music am I listening to.  A lot of people that I meet along the way seem to be interested in knowing what I'm doing too.  It just so happens that many of the people I meet during my travels are associated with music in some way.  Whether it be a musician, music store manager, record label, or popular music venue, its all here.  I keep adding more info as I travel.  I thought it would make sense to have a site that displays all that I have and continue to enjoy about music  while connecting people with a variety of resources  for good music.

The point of this website is to accentuate the positive.  So all good music related experiences , I'll do my best to report here.