Hey, How's this year been for you?  I hope things have been good.  Mine was so interesting that I couldn't be bothered to keep this blog up to date!  Sorry bout that....

So this year was a lot of movement.  I brought in the New Year in Amsterdam, NL.  That was a lot of fun.  Good food, people, and a nice yet intimate party.  New Years day I went with a friend and did the traditional New Years Day dip in the sea.  We drove to the North Sea, stripped down to our bathing  suits and sprinted into the sea.  No, I have no picture proof that I did it but trust me.  I was there.  I sprinted into the water and sprinted out.  I don't recall ever being so cold in my life!  It was so cold, and windy that after a minute of being out of the water my body hurt.  Serious pain!  It was refreshing though.  I told my friend that I would get in the water and I wanted to keep my word. Painful, cold yet a different and somehow pleasant way to start off the new year.

After that I think I spent time in different parts of Holland, then Italy, Malta, England, France, Portugal, Spain, Morocco, Austria, Slovakia, Germany, Hungary, Czech Republic.  Now its December and I'm back in the UK.  Its a definite possibility that I will bring in the New Year in this expensive ass country.  I guess we will see what happens....when I get more time I will explain some of what I was doing in all these countries.  I do feel compelled to say that I did attend some music festivals and met some really amazing people.  

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