I've typed out this long essay  TWICE about how wonderful this show was and they've both gotten deleted.  So maybe my explanation of the show is not doing it justice but I'm getting pretty freakin annoyed with this.  I'm gonna have to remember to save my draft every 12 damn seconds! sheesh!!!

I'm in Seattle visiting a friend and getting in as much live music as possible.  I picked a nice time to be in this city as Jack Dejohnette Quintet are here for two nights.  Last night was the opening night.  The folks with Dejohnette were Rudresh Mahanthappa, Jerome Harris, George Colligan, & David Fiuczynski.  They started off the set playing the one I wanted to hear most, One for Eric.  It was played beautifully!  The following song was a ballad. I don't remember the name of it but it brought tears to my eyes.  Rudresh's solo was so powerful and emotional and at times light and airy.  I couldn't even understand this man, David Fiuczynsky with that double necked guitar.  He was absolutely ridiculous.  He'd go from play some rock music sound to sitar-ish sounds.  Most of the folks in the audience were  in shock at what he was doing up there, myself included.  He's a real badass!  George Colligan was enjoyable as well. He had some really great solos. I'm not sure what exactly  Jerome Harris played an interesting role in this band.  As a bass player, I'm used to players dropping that bass hard and heavy.  Jerome didn't do that.  It was more subtle, but VERY effective.  A really nice mix for this particular combination of players.  They each have their own uniqueness that when playing together compliment eachother so very well!  I've been checking out A LOT of live music over the last few years and this was one of the best shows I've seen.  This was a SERIOUS music fix! This quintet will be playing again tonight at Dimitriou's Jazz Alley.  I might just go back and check them out again!

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